The failure to refer a patient to a specialist or other medical professional can result in devastating consequences - even fatalities - and the patient ( or the patient’s family, in cases of death) may be able to recover damages for medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering that… Read More
In New Jersey, you basically need two (2) things to happen in order to sue for monetary damages for pain and suffering if you are injured in an accident. Firstly, someone else, or entity, must be at fault for the accident, as well as the injuries. Simply stated, and by… Read More
Perhaps you've heard about complex regional pain syndrome and wondered: What exactly is this? CRPS is a long-term progressive condition whose symptoms are: Severe pain, inflammation, and skin changes. The pain has often been described as a burning sensation, localized in the arms, legs, hands or feet. Although the exact… Read More
As the summer riding season begins, motorcycle safety advocates are advising riders to avoid some unsafe habits common to motorcycle accidents. In 2009, 4,462 motorcyclists were killed while riding, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In fact, nearly 15 percent of all fatal crashes involve… Read More
Slip and Fall accidents many times result in severe injuries requiring hospitalization, surgery and convalescence. Slip and fall accidents occur in many different locations and as the result of negligent conditions such as failure to maintain a sidewalk or stairway, failure to remove debris, improper removal of snow and ice,… Read More
A recent jury verdict in Essex County emphasizes the importance of having the right insurance if an injured motorist is to receive compensation for pain and suffering even if the other driver is at fault. In this particular case, a driver was rear ended on the Goethals Bridge in Elizabeth,… Read More
In personal injury cases, especially ones where the victim is seriously hurt, one of the most important considerations is making sure that future medical… Read More