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What if I am Injured in a Friend’s Car?

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We often find ourselves sitting shotgun in the car with a friend or family member. Unfortunately, car accidents are common, and they can result in serious injury. Things can become especially complicated if you are injured while a loved one was driving. Can you still recover compensation for your injuries? Will you have to take legal action against the driver? Read on to learn more about passenger injuries in New Jersey car accidents.

Can Passengers Injured in Car Accidents Recover Compensation?

If you are involved in a car accident, you can become seriously injured. These injuries can be incredibly expensive. Hospital bills can add up, and you may find yourself unable to work, resulting in lost wages. Additionally, you may face physical and emotional burdens, including pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of independence, and more. You likely deserve compensation for these burdens, but you may worry about having to take legal action against a friend or family member. Fortunately, you do not have to take direct action against your loved one. Instead, a personal injury attorney can file a claim against your friend’s insurance company. In many cases, this will allow you to recover the compensation you need, without jeopardizing your friend.

Fulfilling the Burden of Proof

When it comes to recovering compensation, there are some important steps you will have to take:

  1. Seek medical attention. It may be tempting to recover at home, but it is important to see a doctor. This helps ensure your injuries are cared for, while simultaneously providing you with proof of the origin and extent of your injuries. Make sure to ask your doctor for a copy of any relevant medical documents.
  2. Document the scene. Taking photos and videos is one of the most important things you can do when it comes to a personal injury case. Make sure to document any damage done to the vehicles involved, as well as any property that has been damaged. You and the driver should each take your own photos.
  3. Contact a skilled personal injury attorney. An attorney may be able to gather additional information, including security camera footage and police reports.
  4. Make sure to file your claim on time. In New Jersey, you will generally have two years from the date of the accident to file your personal injury claim. If you fail to file within two years, you will likely lose your opportunity to recover the compensation you deserve.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident in New Jersey, contact our firm today.

Contact our experienced New Jersey firm

Currently, it is unclear whether employees will have the right to file COVID-19 workers’ compensation claims, however, if the time comes where this becomes legislation, our firm is here to help. As we learn more, we will bring this information to you. Contact Rubenstein, Berliner & Shinrod today to learn more.

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